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Posted by TTN Palawan on

Types of Cheese...

  1. Cow's milk - cheddar, brie de meaux, gorgonzola
  2. Buffalo milk - mozzerella, bocconcini, burrata
  3. Goat's milk - halloumi, feta, castelo branco
  4. Sheep's milk - manchego, roquefort, pecorino

The Wonderful World of Cheese

  • it takes around 10 liters of milk to make 1 kg of hard cheese
  • number of people who went to emergency rooms in the U.S. in 2010 for cheese-related injuries - 1,236
  • Britain has 700 varieties
  • France 400 varieties
  • Italy 350 varieties
  • Swiss 450 varieties
  • cheesy "quote" - "a dinner which ends without cheese is like a beautiful woman with only one eye" Jean-Anthemme Brillat-Savarn french politician and gastronome, 1755-1826
  • cheesy joke - what do you call a cheese that isn't yours? nacho cheese

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